Thursday, September 2, 2010


Yeah.... that kid that annoyed the crap outta the Sr1's in the late 70's did go on to a slightly higher playing field than us.....

Greg in the famous (or infamous) TT in the 1989 Tour

Greg and, well, as the saying goes, if you don't have anything (at all ever) good to say about someone, don't say anything at all..... therefore.... here's a pic of Greg, and....

Greg, Wayne Stetina, and not sure who the other guy is.... I'm in this field... a few spots back unfortunately.

Larry and Greg.... not sure if this is from '89 or not

Greg LeMond (and jello brains) on Huffy's

My favorite LeMond pic.... at the worlds in chanterbury

Tom Ritchey and Greg LeMond.... Tom still looks good... Greg looks OLD

Greg and Larry (again)

Greg on the cover of Sports Illustrated

Greg and Lance.... I was kinda suprised to find this one

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Good old larry.... Laurent Fignon.... who made us believe that frenchmen really were snooty, and prudish.... but so as not to speak ill of the dead.... Good Old Larry.... "HEY LARRY!!!!!!" .... Yeah, supposedly Bob Roll did exactly that a few weeks after that day in July in 1989.... I'd guess Larry didn't like Bob much :-)

And here we see Larry with the 2nd biggest sleaze bag from pro cycling (the BIGGEST slease ball being Jonny Boyer of course)...

Has to be from the 1989 tour (I recognize the jersey Greg has on)

And speaking of pics that still make american cycling chuckle under its collective breath.... the certain TT in Paris in 1989.... Late by 8 seconds larry... ah well...

The caption on this one said it was from his rookie season...

Scum bag in tow.... Larry climbing some mtn...

Hey Larry, that pony tail isnt terribly aero.... ooooh, I guess he's heard that already...

With what had to be the coolest looking jerseys (until MAPEI came along), the Renault Elf Gitane squad.... don't know if this is 'Pre-Greg' or if he was elsewhere....

Larry and DickHead..... I'm sure Larry (ok, Laurent), was a nice guy.... even as frenchmen go.... but if you had to stand next to Hinault, at least have the dignity to not touch the guy.... I mean.... You're not going to walk down the street, see a pile of dog crap, pick it up and shove it in your pocket, would you ???? Then why would you intentionally make contact with Hinault unless you absolutely had to ??? (ick)

Oh.... Larry in the french national jersey..... uh, whoopee


Bike shops, bike shops, bike shops.... I've been in more than I can count. ALOT that I didn't want to ever go back in again, some where I never wanted to leave, and some that were just, hmmmm, OK..... Gotta say Talbots (even if they wouldn't hire me when I needed a job badly) is one of my favorite shops. Tony Toms bicycle oddysey up in Sausalito, Cupertino Bikes, truly great ones in the bay area. Some with great names, that I wouldn't go back in to... Garners. A shop that I 'almost' made it in to, in Massachuesetts, Sheldon Browns shop, Harris Cyclery (he wasn't even part owner of that, but you say Harris Cyclery, and Sheldon Brown is the person you think of.

Below are some pics of an old time bike shop......

Oh, didn't I mention.... as seen in that last photo, thos two guys working on bikes... The Wright Brothers.... Just goes to prove, bicycle mechanics make some of the most world altering discoveries and inventions :-)