Friday, August 27, 2010


To be filed under "stick foot in mouth" but.... holy crap, I thought all women in Utah were frigid titless mormon nasties... but from this pic from pezcyclingnews (the daily distraction) I was obviously mistaken

Frank Schleck back at it.... I look at the legs on this guy, and one thing comes to mind.... imagine some poor canibal family that ends up with frank schleck for dinner.... theres absolutely no fat on this guy at all.... anyone knows good meat needs a little marbling (bits of fat traced throughout).... frank schleck should be ashamed... theres poor canibal children out there, that would.... er, this is gettin a bit weird isnt it.... just ignore what I was saying.... its a pic of frank schleck... thats all.

Tom Boonen.... another canibals worst nightmare, that.... uh, what? whatsdat ? shut the hell up ? ..... oh, oh yeah.... a pic of Tom Boonen

And a pic of George Hincappie being chased by angry canibals, that.... no, no, no.... George Hincapie with HTC in tow.... there are no canibals in this picture (at least that are visible)

Dirty, dirty, dirty.... P-R in the 70's or there about

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Thor Hushovd and Theo Bos.... speed inc. :-)


The Great.... the Eddy and Ugo pic, the new (& different), the Edge Delta7, and a couple of links....

Now when it comes to giants of the sport, Eddy Merckx and Ugo DeRosa stand head and shoulders above just about everyone.... Merckx didn't ride DeRosa's exclusively, but for a good portion of his career he did.... this pic showing Ugo and Eddy

And the new ( and most definitely different ), the Edge Delta 7..... your eyes aren't deceiving you, those frame tubes really are like that....

This pic really showing the 'tubes' ..... I think I'd be willing to 'test ride' one of these, but not on a long fast descent.... do I look stoopid ??? (forget I asked that).
And a couple of links, that I told Tony I'd chase down....
Do-It-Yourself Carbon Fiber frame
Lacing Patterns

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

HOWIE PICS, and...

Ok, obviously this first pic isnt of Howie.... its a drivetrain pic I stumbled across, liked it, so here it is....

Howie (John Howard) at the world championships in Montreal....

152 MPH on a bicycle ? Uh, yeah.... this bike was on the bike show circuit for awhile... sitting on a mag trainer, so people could sit on it and pedal.... with a cadence of about '10' you were going what would be 30 mph.... the trick is GETTING TO '10' revs

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Pics for no peticular reason, sorta... well, reasons, just a tad, uh, odd.... such as...

One guy on a Trek, one guy on a DeRosa.... very very nice

I'm not certain that this IS Taylor Phinney coming out of the start house....

Mt. Evans in CO

Thursday, August 12, 2010


How would you like to be driving down the road, look out the windshield, and have someone tell you.... "we're climbing that today".... and no, you can't jump out the car window while you're in motion.... that'd hurt almost as much as the climb.... maybe

I'm not all that nutz on mtb racing, but views like this you gotta love

Climbing you say ???

Tour distractions :-)

ANDY (Wearing yellow next year in Paris ?)

SEROTTA PICS (droooooollll....)

Serotta carbon ... pics taken from

Not even sure who makes this brake, but its pretty

Apparently the prototype...

Now if you don't find that PRETTY, you're, well... sick!!!!!

And two full size views of the bike.... I want one

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Just a collection of pics that I happen to like, and a few comments...

The terrain can certainly look flat through a long lens, but you know if a pro is grimacing like this, it's most definitely NOT flat

Nicky Hayden the Moto GP guy.... on a velodrome

At first thought, I was thinking, "ah, the Schleck brothers at it again" but nope, just two SAXO guys

And a Shacker TT'ing

Friday, August 6, 2010


Yeah, its only Tour of Denmark, but Taylor Phinney is riding it, and well, I like this pic (as well as the one of Taylor)

NEVER FORGET (Even during a bike race)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

PICS (for the sake of posting)

Well, have a post tour crit pic, a tour of poland pic, and a couple of others... just coz I found them, and wanted to post them.... and I halfway suspect that one of these is a re-post, but I liked the pic so much, wanted to make sure I had it....

Ok, so this obviously isnt a cycling pic.... but just got it, and its, uh... scarey, so put it here...

Monday, August 2, 2010


Ok.... why more tour pics NOW ? and whats with the " * ".... well, truth be known, found a machine at the MLK Library that allows me to save (temporarily) files onto the drive... and, allows me to right click photos, ergo.... MORE tour pics that I liked, but couldn't quite save... until now....

Bert in Paris

Lance in Paris

Bert's S1, in the obvious color scheme, of oh say maybe... yellow

And of course need a climbers paint job...

And the appropriate bike for the green jersey